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$115 current bid
5 Bids

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5 Cycle & Bootcamp Classes

Enjoy 5 Cycle & Bootcamp Classes! The lights are dim, the music thumps, the experience is fun and inviting. Turnstyle offers challenging, beat-based Indoor Cycling & Bootcamp classes across five studios. Our instructors are motivating yet approachable. We're the friendliest studio in Boston, so let us know how we can help.

TO REDEEM : Create an account at www.Turnstyle and email with your name and the fundraiser where you won this. *This prize package is eligible for use at all 5 of our Turnstyle locations and will work for cycle and bootcamp classes. Please make sure you show up early for your first class so our staff can set you up.

Learn more about Turnstyle Cycle & Bootcamp here:

Donated By Turnstyle Cycle & Bootcamp

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