
$1000 Gift Card to Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health
From the core teachings of Swami Kripalu to the integration of ancient wisdom with contemporary thought, Kripalu has helped to drive the evolution of yoga in the West, and continues to inform its impact in the 21st century. Kripalu's history parallels the evolution of yoga in America, which progresses from an exclusive reliance on Eastern tradition, teachers, and cultural forms, to the development of Western teachers steeped in the tradition and able to transmit its authentic depths in formats appropriate to our time and place, to the integration of yoga with contemporary discoveries in medicine, psychology, and science.
Learn more about Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health here: https://kripalu.org/.

Start Pedaling
$115Start Pedaling
5 Cycle & Bootcamp Classes
Enjoy 5 Cycle & Bootcamp Classes! The lights are dim, the music thumps, the experience is fun and inviting. Turnstyle offers challenging, beat-based Indoor Cycling & Bootcamp classes across five studios. Our instructors are motivating yet approachable. We're the friendliest studio in Boston, so let us know how we can help.
TO REDEEM : Create an account at www.Turnstyle Cycle.com and email nick@turnstylecycle.com with your name and the fundraiser where you won this. *This prize package is eligible for use at all 5 of our Turnstyle locations and will work for cycle and bootcamp classes. Please make sure you show up early for your first class so our staff can set you up.
Learn more about Turnstyle Cycle & Bootcamp here: https://www.turnstylecycle.com/.

The Fight Within
$100The Fight Within
Train Like a Boxer. EverybodyFights is the only authentic boxing-inspired group fitness brand modeled after a real boxer's training camp. Our five-part class series incorporates every aspect of training camp, from boxing technique and conditioning to yoga and recovery. Card can be activated at Everybodyfights.com. Card expires six months from date of activation.
Learn more about EverybodyFights here: https://www.everybodyfights.com/.

Go Farther Faster!
$150Go Farther Faster
6-month wiseHer membership for unlimited, 60-minute Expert calls to help you with your business or career!
wiseHer is a female-founded global online marketplace that provides expert advice and resources to entrepreneurs and career women looking to grow their businesses or careers. A membership to wiseHer provides unlimited access to the highly experienced and vetted network of 500+ wiseHer Experts - executives, consultants, and subject matter experts who provide actionable advice on personalized, one-to-one phone calls. Winners will be able to schedule as many calls with as many experts as they like over the 6-month period. wiseHer Experts are experienced in a wide range of industries and can offer advice on everything from business strategy, marketing and financial management to team building, leadership development, career planning, and more.
Learn more about wiseHer here: https://www.wiseher.com/.

Go Farther Faster!
$100Go Farther Faster
6-month wiseHer membership for unlimited, 60-minute Expert calls to help you with your business or career!
wiseHer is a female-founded global online marketplace that provides expert advice and resources to entrepreneurs and career women looking to grow their businesses or careers. A membership to wiseHer provides unlimited access to the highly experienced and vetted network of 500+ wiseHer Experts - executives, consultants, and subject matter experts who provide actionable advice on personalized, one-to-one phone calls. Winners will be able to schedule as many calls with as many experts as they like over the 6-month period. wiseHer Experts are experienced in a wide range of industries and can offer advice on everything from business strategy, marketing and financial management to team building, leadership development, career planning, and more.
Learn more about wiseHer here: https://www.wiseher.com/.

Seven Stones
$200Seven Stones
One Year Subscription to the Seven Stones Online Community
Seven Stones Leadership believes that community is where we rest and is our greatest resource for creating a future that works for all. Community is essential for human beings to thrive and we are committed to bring people together here to feed that need and to learn together: in our companies, our families and our neighborhoods. The Seven Stones community provides you with sustenance and tools to forge a path, invent what is possible, not probable, and go beyond what you have been able to imagine until now.
Learn more about Seven Stones Leadership here: https://www.sevenstonesleadership.com/.

Please take a moment to view these impactful videos from CWE!