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Put Your Best Forward

$135 current bid
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Put Your Best Forward - Package 2

Gift card good for one pair complimentary Keds on

MADE FOR WOMEN whatever that means What we're all about What does it mean to be a woman? WHATEVER. YOU. WANT. IT. TO. MEAN. We can't shout this loud enough.

There is no box. There is no ideal. There is no right way to be a woman; and there is certainly no wrong way.

So we're not going to try to define, or redefine, what it means to be a woman, and instead listen to what it means to each and every one of you.

Then, we're going to create and innovate to support whatever that is.

Good for US orders at only. One time use only and cannot be combined with any other offer. Expires 12/31/20.

Learn more about Keds here:

Donated By Keds

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