Frieze Family Foundation Please take a moment to view these impactful videos from CWE!CLICK HERE Jackie Shoback

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CWE's 25th Anniversary Silent Auction is going virtual this year! 

Join us May 13-15, 2020

(Bidding will open on May 13 at 9 AM and close on May 15 at 6PM)

 As you are thinking about shopping for Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduation, and other special occasions, please consider bidding on items and supporting CWE and the client's we serve.  Your participation will create excitement and truly serve to make a difference!

The Center for Women and Enterprise (CWE) has seen an unprecedented surge in requests for counseling, disaster relief webinars, and information about the resources available to small businesses affected by COVID-19. We provide these services free of charge. Like the women and veterans we serve CWE has also been adversely affected by COVID-19. We had to postpone our annual fundraising gala and are finding that many of our usual fundraising sources no longer have the capacity to give. Like the women we serve, CWE is entrepreneurial, innovative, and resilient, but we still need your financial support to make sure we are able to keep helping small businesses at this time. 


Thank you to all of our generous sponsors!








Welcome to CWE's Virtual Silent Auction!  Below please find answers to some FAQ's.

What is the timeline for bidding?

Bidding will start on May 13 at 9 AM and conclude on May 15 at 6 PM.  Messaging will be sent out prior to the start of the event and will continue until the close of the event.

Registering and Bidding - How it works

How do I receive and item I have won?

Items will be shipped/mailed to the winner within 5 business days of the close of the event.

What if the item I have won becomes no longer valid due to unforeseen circumstances?

If due to unforeseen circumstances any item presented in the CWE silent auction becomes unavailable, the total winning bid amount can be converted into a fully tax-deductible contribution or a refund can be issued.  Please reach out to  with any questions.

If you have a question that has not been answered here, please reach out to Debbie Aurelio, Development Manager directly at

CARES Act Charitable Giving Incentive

In an effort to encourage everyone to support non-profit organizations in these challenging times, the new federal coronavirus relief bill provides all taxpayers with an above-the line deduction for up to $300 in charitable donations this year.  The deduction is available even if you don't itemize.  If you do itemize, the CARES Act raises the limit on charitable gifts even further, to 100% of your Adjusted Gross Income.  Please consult your financial advisor to understand what the new legislation means to you.

Hosted By

Center for Women & Enterprise


Renaissance Boston Waterfront Hotel, Congress Street, South Boston, Boston, MA, USA

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