Available for Purchase

Join us for the Olive Crest Advocate Clinic, and learn how your church can become champion for vulnerable children.

Olive Crest is pleased to present a nationally recognized model, Promise 686 and Care Communities. This training will inspire and equip churches in developing a strong, sustainable family advocacy ministry that
supports those called to care for vulnerable children.

Attendees will leave the training with a Ministry Action Plan (MAP) tools for building awareness,
developing Care Communities, and organizing and training volunteers. Sign up today and learn how
your church can be part of the solution!


Limited seating is available. Register today! 

Every 10 seconds in our country, a report of child abuse is made. Many families will respond by becoming
Safe Families, foster families, or adoptive families. But scripture tells us that "pure and undefiled religion…
is this: to care for orphans and widows in their distress" (James 1:27). Everyone can do something.

Hosted By

Olive Crest
Questions? Contact [email protected]


Calvary Church of Santa Ana, North Tustin Avenue, Santa Ana, CA, USA

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