Morgan Stanley and David & Karen Doll Gold Sponsor Gold Sponsor Platinum Sponsor Sandy & Sally Cutler Dick Pogue Char & Chuck Fowler Susan & James Ratner Silent Auction Sponsor

Available for Purchase

We invite you to join us for Gordon Square Arts District's annual fundraiser, Hip 2B Square: Fear No Art, as we honor dedicated leaders Paul Clark and Fred Bidwell. 'Hip' will rock the neighborhood the evening of Tuesday, June 11, 2019 from 5:00-8:00pm on the bluffs of Lake Erie at the Edison at Gordon Square.Edison

We're thrilled to honor Paul Clark and Fred Bidwell, who served for the past four years as co-chairs of the Gordon Square Arts District board of directors, leading our mission to leverage arts and culture to revitalize the neighborhood, support the growth of artists as a workforce, and provide free and inclusive arts programming for everyone.

Host Committee

As of 4/4/19

Marilea Campomizzi

Joanne & Richard Clark

Joe Compton

Ryan R. Cross

David & Karen Doll

Bryan H. Falk

Char & Chuck Fowler

Kathy & Tom Futey

Bill Gagliano & Lorrie Baumgardner

Ken & Pia Greaney

William M. Griswold

Greg Harris

David & Rebecca Heller

Sharon Sobol Jordan

Gail Kay

Ray & Jennifer Leach

Chip & Shelly Marous

Randy and Christine Myeroff

Tracey Nichols

John O'Brien

Larry Oscar & Jeanne Shatten

Neal R. Restivo

Barbara Robinson

Charna E. Sherman

Michelle Tomallo

Micki Tubbs

Hosted By

Gordon Square Arts District
Questions? Contact Claudia Lief Zalevsky


6060 Father Caruso Drive, Cleveland, OH, USA

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