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Support Costumes & Cocktails

Costumes and Cocktails Celebrating 50 Years of the TDF Costume Collection  Featuring the Irene Sharaff Awards  April 7, 2025 5:30pm  Tao Downtown  Dress to Impress  Honoring Gregg Barnes, Irene Sharaff Award for Sustained Excellence in Costume Design Wilberth Gonzalez, Kitty Leech Ascending Artist Award Arnold Levine, Inc, Irene Sharaff Artisan Award Robert Israel, The Robert L. B. Tobin Award for Sustained Excellence in Theatrical Design

5:30pm Cocktails, 6:30pm Awards, 8pm Disco & Dinner

 Benefit Committee

Dillan Arrick, Chair

Bridget Bland Bogee, Holly Cohen, Gwen Marcus, Melanie O'Brien, Jane Shin Park, and Clint Ramos

Sharaff Awards Voting Committee

Stephen Cabral, Chair

Dede Ayite, Gregg Barnes, Linda Cho, Traci DiGesu, Lana Fritz, Jess Goldstein, Rodney Gordon, Brian Hemesath, Allen Lee Hughes, Holly Hynes, Daniel Lawson, Anna Louizos, Katherine Marshall, Mimi Maxmen, David Murin, Sally Ann Parsons, Scott D. Pask, Robert Perdziola, Alejo Vietti, Court Watson, and David Zinn.

Learn about previous Sharaff Award winners here.

Sign up to be the first to hear about next year's Costumes & Cocktails here.

Hosted by

Theatre Development Fund
Questions? Please contact Kate Garst.


TAO Downtown Restaurant, 92 9th Avenue, New York, NY, USA