Raffle Baskets




 STAR SPONSORSHIP ($10,000) Includes:

1 Table to event (12 tickets)

Name or Logo displayed at the event and on the HFEE website

Social media posts on HFEE Instagram and Facebook sites

Name or Logo displayed on table signage


SPIRIT SPONSORSHIP ($5,000) Includes:

6 Tickets to event

Name or Logo prominently displayed at the event and on the HFEE website

Social media posts on HFEE Instagram and Facebook sites

Name or Logo displayed on table signage


HONORS SPONSORSHIP ($2,500) Includes:

4 Tickets to event

Name or Logo prominently displayed at the event and on the HFEE website

Social media posts on HFEE Instagram and Facebook sites

Name or Logo displayed on table signage



2 Tickets to event, listed in the event program journal

Name or Logo prominently displayed at the event and on the HFEE website

Social media posts on HFEE Instagram and Facebook sites



1 Ticket to event, listed in the event program journal

Name or Logo prominently displayed at the event and on the HFEE website



** For Questions regarding Sponsorship please contact: TARA POLI:  tarapoli@danielgale.com




30 for $30 Congratulations Campaign


Friends, family, and colleagues of the 2024 HFEE Gala honorees who are interested in
sending Darin Reed and Mike Schwendemann messages of congratulations, can do
so through HFEE's fundraising campaign called "30 for $30." A nod toward the
organization's 30+ years of supporting the Huntington School District, donors can write a
personalized note of congratulations up to 30 words long (or up to 130 characters) to the
honorees for $30. These messages will be shared with the honorees in a
hardcover memento book featuring photos from the event.


Click on Tickets and Choose 30 for $30. Once you purchase your ticket we will send you an email to send in your message. 


To: Jon
Fr: The Smith Family
Message: We are so proud of you! Enjoy this very well-deserved honor and know that you
have made a big difference in the lives of so many! Congrats!

Hosted By

The Huntington Foundation

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