1 Make your selection

Presenting Sponsor-EARLY BIRD
- Golf for 12 (3 foursomes) with "Golden Tickets" and choice of your preferred course
- Your logo displayed prominently as a presenting sponsor on all printed and electronic marketing materials leading up to and at the event, as well as on CORA's website
- Your logo on gifts for all 200+ golfers
- Ability to add your logo and a message from your company to the View Your Drive videos
- Special hole signage on both courses - with Presenting Sponsor acknowledgement
- The opportunity to sit in on The Preston and Steve Morning Show on WMMR and be recognized as a CORA benefactor (mutually agreed upon date, scheduling based on availability)
- Ability to have a video message provided by your company emailed to guests and great0pportunities at the event for your company's representatives to interact with guests
- Opportunity for 2 additional people to attend the beginner's golf clinic (one session)

- · Golf for 12 (3 foursomes) with "Golden Tickets" on Militia Hill
- · Your logo on the winners "CORA Cup" as sponsor
- · Your logo on electronic marketing materials leading up to and at the event, as well as on CORA's website
- · Ability to add your logo and a message from your company to the View Your Drive videos
- · Special hole signage on both courses - with CORA Cup Sponsor acknowledgement
- · A special video message provided by your company emailed to guests prior to the event
- · Opportunities at the event for your company's representatives to interact with guests
- · Opportunity for 2 additional people to attend the Skills golf clinic

Charity Circle
- Golf for 8 (2 foursomes) with "Golden Tickets" and choice of your preferred course
- Your logo on all electronic marketing materials leading up to and at the event, as well as on CORA's website
- Your logo on golf carts
- Special Hole signage on both courses - with Charity's Circle acknowledgment
- Opportunities at the event for your company's representatives to interact with guests

Helicopter Sponsor
- Golf for 8 (2 foursomes on course of your choice)
- Your logo on all electronic marketing materials leading up to and at the event, as well as on CORA's website
- Your logo on golf carts
- Special signage at drop location with Sponsorship acknowledgement
- Opportunities at the event for your company's representatives to interact with guests

Caring Sponsor
- Golf for 4 (1 foursome) and choice of your preferred course
- Your logo on all electronic marketing materials leading up to, and at the event, as well as on CORA's website
- Your logo on table tents
- Special Hole signage on both courses-with Caring Partner acknowledgment
- Opportunities at the event for your company's representatives to interact with guests

Wiss Putting Green Sponsor
Signage on Wissahickon's putting green, near the patio.

Driving Range Sponsor
Exclusive signage on Wissahickon's driving range

Putting Green Sponsor-MH
Exclusive signage on Militia Hill's putting green

Deluxe Hole Sponsor
Signage on Wissahickon AND
Militia Hill

Hole Sponsor
Signage on 1(one) golf course


Foursome-Militia Hill

Beginner's Clinic-EARLYBIRD
2 Purchaser
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You can still participate in the auction!Celebrating our 16th Annual CORA For Kids Golf Classic
About the Cause:
CORA's annual golf outing is one of the agency's main sources of unrestricted funding to support the impactful work we do for Philadelphia's children and families. Your participation as a golfer or sponsor goes a long way in helping our staff help those facing academic, emotional or social challenges. From providing clients in need of services with financial assistance to ensuring our staff have access to the best resources so they can continue to be experts in their field, every contribution helps CORA help more kids!
About the Course:
Philadelphia is one of the great golf centers in the United States and at its heart is The Philadelphia Cricket Club. The Philadelphia Cricket Club is one of the finest private family-oriented full-service country clubs in America. It is is the only club in the United States with a different golf course constructed in each of the last three centuries. They hosted the 2015 PGA Professional National Championship and the 2016 Constellation SENIOR PLAYERS Championship.