Piggy and Elephant!
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Does your child LOVE the Piggy and Gerald books as well as the pigeon stories by Mo Willems? Mrs. Leeds sure does! Your child may choose one Sycamore friend to join them for an after-school activity with Mrs. Leeds. Your fun afternoon will include plenty of Mo Willems books, along with painting pictures of the book characters! And, just like the duckling in The Duckling Gets A Cookie by Mo Willems, you are going to enjoy some freshly baked cookies with milk!!! The activity will take place from 3:30 to 5:00 on a mutually agreed-upon school day. (Mrs. Leeds was an elementary school librarian in a former life, and it will be such a treat for her to do this after-school activity with your child. Mrs. Leeds is passionate about children's books and the young people who enjoy reading them!)
Donated By Jane Leeds