2024 Take A Shot For The Cure

October 13, 2024 8:30 am - 12:30 pm

Knight Trail Park, Rustic Road, Nokomis, Florida, USA

Available for Purchase

Meet our Hosts


 David Perkowski, Preferred Shore Real Estate

David Perkowski


Why I Wear Pink
My sister-in-law is a survivor of breast cancer; my wife is a survivor of kidney cancer and underwent a preventative double mastectomy; and her father is currently battling metastatic prostate cancer. I am frightened to think of what life would be without my wife;  there is no us without her. Cancer has led us to face things head on -together - with courage, and to understand the importance of teaching our children about taking care of themselves; selfcare is healthcare.


Why I Support the American Cancer Society
Raising funds for this noble cause is the priority. I'm excited to collaborate with Scott Kessler in creating another awesome fundraising event. But, deep down, I am most excited in working with and briefly sharing the stage with my wife at the Men Wear Pink fashion show.


Scott Kessler, Ed Howard Lincoln

Why I Wear Pink
My history with cancer has not been a good one, starting with my father passing when I was 15, then my grandmother. My mother had a double mastectomy to prevent cancer after her older sister passed from a long battle with breast cancer in the 80's. And most recently, breast cancer hit home when my wife was diagnosed in 2020.  My wife is a very strong person, but this disease took its toll on her. She is now a very proud survivor and advocate for breast cancer awareness and a fight for the cure.


Why I Support the American Cancer Society
I want to be involved Real Men Wear Pink campaign so that I can help someone that's going through the same thing that I watched my wife go through, and all the support that she received from her newfound family in pink and the support network that the American Cancer Society has for the patient's going through this terrible disease.  Nobody has to go through it alone. 

Hosted By

American Cancer Society
Questions? Contact Scott Kessler and David Perkowski


Knight Trail Park, Rustic Road, Nokomis, Florida, USA

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