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Art Palooza!

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Teacher: Cara Thompson
School: Arriba-Flagler CSD #20
District: Arriba-Flagler CSD #20
District Website: Arriba-Flagler CSD #20
School Address: 421 Julian Avenue, Flagler, CO 80815
Grade Level: Kindergarten-All subjects
Region: Southeast
Project Title: Art Palooza!
Category: Music, Journalism and the Arts
Amount Requested: $500

Project Description:
Over the past eight years of teaching kindergarten, my art supplies for my students have dwindled. I strive to offer my students hands-on activities and craft projects that spark their creativity and imagination. By engaging in craft projects, both free choice and teacher-led, art boosts student focus and the overall learning process. Art activities can also help reduce stress/anxiety levels in students, boost their self-esteem, and improve their problem-solving skills and working memory. My rural school, which serves students from preschool through twelfth grade, currently does not offer an art program. I am requesting funds to ensure my young students have access to craft supplies. Your donation to my Art Palooza! project will open up a world of creativity for my students!

Project Goals:
The funds will go towards craft supplies, as well as some general school supplies, for my rural kindergarten classroom. I view art as a highly important subject for my students to have access to throughout the week. My school currently does not offer an art program for any of our preschool-twelfth grade students, making art a requirement for classroom teachers to cover.

Budget Breakdown:
Crayola Washable Watercolor Paint Set (2 packs)--$96.00
Crayola Broad Line Markers (256 count)--$55.00
2.7 Quart Plastic Storage Containers (2 packs)--$54.00
Crayola Classpack Crayons (800 count)--$47.00
Prang Construction Paper, 9x12, Assorted Colors (500 sheets)(2 packs)--$45.00
Scratch and Sniff Stickers (2 packs)--$28.00
Play-Doh Bulk Pack (48 cans)--$26.00
Prand Medium Weight Construction Paper, 12x18, Assorted Colors (100 sheets) (3 packs)--$23.00
Chenille Kraft Acrylic Gemstones--$21.00
Crayola Colors of the World (2 packs)--$17.00
Paper Plates, 9" (100 count)--$10.00
Elmers Glue Sticks (30 pack)--$10.00
Chenille Pipe Cleaners (234 count)--$10.00
Elmers Liquid Glue (12 pack)--$6.00
Jumbo Wooden Craft Sticks (100 count)--$5.00
Jumbo Colored Wooden Craft Sticks (200 count)--$4.00

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