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No Stress for Success

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Teacher: Sadie Swisher

School: Mountain View Core Knowledge

District: Fremont RE-2


Address: 890 Field Ave Canon City, CO 81212

Grade Level: Prek-Social Emotional Learning

Region: Northwest

Project Title: No Stress for Success

Category: Social Emotional Learning

Funding Amount Requested: $2000

Project Description:
As a school counselor and teacher, I have the opportunity to work with every student in our school. Many students face stressors that make coming to school difficult, such as hunger, ill-fitting clothes, or hygiene concerns. To alleviate these challenges, I would like to create a "Care Closet" stocked with essentials that help students feel more comfortable and ready to focus on learning.

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The Care Closet could help reduce student stress and absences by providing items like healthy snacks, socks, shoes, and hygiene products. These essentials will allow students to come to school relaxed, improving their behavior and participation in the classroom.