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Mics for Modern A Cappella

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Teacher: Jacob Aychman

School: Roosevelt High School

District: Weld County RE-5J School District

Town: Johnstown, CO

Region: Northeast

Grade Level: 9th-12th Choir & Theatre

Project Title: Mics for Modern A Cappella

Category: Music, Journalism and the Arts

Amount Requested: $1,870

School Website: Roosevelt High School

Principal: David Benson
Principal Email:

Project Description:
Roosevelt High School is a 1,200-student comprehensive high school in Johnstown, Colorado. As our school and our needs have rapidly grown - especially in the performing arts - our budget has struggled to keep up. Our choir program is now prepared to perform modern a cappella music like Pentatonix and Home Free, but we lack the microphones to do so. Music is a powerful driver for self-expression, community, and bolstering self-efficacy. This project will allow students to experience the challenge and satisfaction of making great music together for years to come.

The purpose of this project is fourfold:

  • Equip the Roosevelt High School Choir with the materials needed to perform a cappella music while moving about the stage.
  • Save money in the long term by investing in quality audio equipment now.
  • Elevate the experience of choir concerts for performers and attendees.
  • Strengthen the K-12 vocal music feeder.
  • The funds from this project will go towards purchasing 7 Shure SLXD2/SM58 handheld wireless microphones, which have an expected lifespan of 10+ years. These microphones will directly impact over 70 students and every attendee of Roosevelt High School Choir concerts for the next decade.

Budget Breakdown:

$1,778 for 7 Shure SLXD2/SM58 microphones (@ $254 each)
$89.19 for shipping and the Colorado Retail Delivery Fee


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