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Make Learning Magical!

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Teacher: Karrie Lambert

School: Green Acres Elementary


Address: 930 Sherman Street, Fort Morgan, CO 80723

Grade Level: 3rd Grade - General Education

Region: Northeast

Project Title: Make Learning Magical!

Category: Literacy

Funding Amount Requested: $1,200

Project Description:
As a teacher at a rural Title 1 school, many of my students are below grade level in math and reading. It is vital to provide hands-on, fun, and engaging learning opportunities to help them succeed. My classroom serves students who are part of both our ELL and special education communities, and having access to necessary tools and supplies is critical for teaching success. Unfortunately, as a small rural school, funds are limited, and I often use my own money to provide these resources. My classroom is in need of additional math manipulatives, personal whiteboards, and specialized writing tools to support student learning.


These materials will help students who need hands-on learning experiences to grasp basic math and literacy concepts. The new manipulatives, writing tools, and classroom supplies will enhance their learning experiences, improve engagement, and support students struggling with pencil grip and basic handwriting skills. By providing fun and engaging lessons with the proper tools, I hope to build my students' confidence and academic success.

Use of Funds:
- ELL Classroom Labels
- Pocket Chart
- Class set of dry erase markers
- Construction paper
- Sight word game
- Place value disks
- Multiplication dominos
- Reading comprehension dice
- Multiplication boards
- Fraction measuring cups
- Twist and write pencils for grip assistance
- Rubber pencil grips
- Chart paper
- Number line boards
- Class set of pre-sharpened pencils
- Class set of markers
- Personal dry erase boards
- National Geographic books and reference materials for the classroom