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Novels for Class Book Clubs :)

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Teacher: Madison Kusturin (Mrs. K)

School: Custer County High School

District: Custer County

Town: Westcliffe, CO

Region: Central Mountains

Grade Level: 7th, 10th, & 11th ELA

Project Title: Novels for Class Book Clubs :)

Category: Literacy

Amount Requested: $600

School Website:

Principal: Sydney Benesch
Principal Email:

Project Description:
My name is Madi Kusturin, or as the students like to call me, Mrs. K. I am requesting funds to build literacy within my high school classes. I would like to purchase a class set of The Anthropocene Reviewed by John Green for my 11th graders. I hope to use this book as part of my curriculum, but first, I need funds to purchase copies. In addition to this class set, I would love to add more books to my classroom library for high school students. After graduating from Texas A&M University with a focus on middle school education, I collected many middle school novels. However, my classroom library is in need of high school novels. In our classroom, we participate in "First Chapter Thursday," where we read the first chapter of a novel. Afterward, students can decide if they want to check the book out of the classroom library.

The opportunity for my classroom to acquire funds for new class sets of books and classroom library books will have a major impact on high school students in Custer County. Many students lack the financial means to purchase novels for the curriculum. Funds would allow us to obtain needed novels and provide access to culturally relevant and popular books, helping students connect with the broader reading community.

Budget Breakdown:

The Anthropocene Reviewed class set (15-16 novels at $15 each): $230
Additional classroom novels for high school students: $370
Total: $600


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