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Teacher: Tamara Eyestone

School: Hoff Elementary School

District: Weld CO RE3J


Address: 7558 Co Rd 59 Keenesberg, CO. 80643

Grade Level: Kindergarten, all subjects

Region: Southeast

Project Title: HELP ME - HELP THEM!

Category: Field Trips & Outdoor Learning

Funding Amount Requested: $2000

Project Description:
I'd like to use this money to fund an outdoor field trip that ties into what we are learning about in class or use it to bring in an exhibitor to teach the kids about something that relates to a career or job in our community. A lot of kids in our community do not have access to outside activities beyond their homes or schools, such as visiting a science museum or going to the zoo. I'd use these funds to help fund an outside field trip or bring in someone that can teach the kids about things that go on in our community.

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I'd like to expose our community of children to different cultural experiences that they may not be able to access outside of school. Funds could help pay for a bus, tickets to an event (such as a museum), or help fund bringing an exhibitor to our school to show and tell the kids about different careers, such as working with animals from the zoo. Our community of children come from families that have limited funds or live in housing situations that prevent them from funding outside projects and trips with their families. Many of our kids' learning experiences come from their families and home lives. I'd like to offer a fully immersive experience that could spark a flame for a possible future career or opportunity greater than themselves, giving them an opportunity to experience something new and exciting and ignite a passion for learning and careers.

Use of Funds:
$2000 to be used for tickets to a museum and bus fare, or used for an outside exhibitor to come to the school and do a presentation from the zoo.