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Girls in STEM!

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Teacher: Jennifer Salvatore

School: Milliken Middle School

District: Weld RE5J


Address: 266 S. Irene Street. Milliken, CO 80534

Grade Level: 6-8 Computer Science/ Robotics

Region: Northeast

Project Title: Girls in STEM!

Category: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

Funding Amount Requested: $405

Project Description:
We are requesting funds for a STEM conference for middle school girls. Our middle school is located in Milliken, CO and includes kids from neighboring Johnstown. Our two towns have seen a lot of growth over the last twenty years, changing our population from one with a lot of farming families to more of a bedroom community. We offer a lot of elective classes in our school and are hoping to interest more girls in taking STEM electives like computer science, graphic design, photography, industrial arts, agriculture, and robotics. The conference we would like to attend will allow our girls to participate in hands-on activities, learn from women in STEM career fields, and become empowered to believe that girls can do this work, too!

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Our middle school feeds into the newly built Roosevelt High School in Johnstown. The high school has many CTE (Career and Technical Education) pathways that our kids can choose from. We hope to bring knowledge and excitement about STEM activities and careers to these young ladies in middle school so they have a strong foundation as they choose their starting pathway in high school and beyond. The sky's the limit! I believe the conference will help the girls find confidence in their skills, become better leaders, and make new friendships.

Use of Funds:
We are requesting $405 to attend the conference. The conference is presented by a non-profit called Expanding Your Horizons. Last year, it was held the first week in April at CSU in Fort Collins. The cost last year was $15 for the first registrant from your group and then $10 for each other person in your group. We would like to offer spots for 40 girls to attend.