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New Desks

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Teacher: Delaney Pett
School: Burlington Elementary
District: Burlington School District RE-6J
District Website:
School Address: 450 11th Street, Burlington, CO 80807
Grade Level: 3rd grade all subjects
Region: Central Mountains
Project Title: New Desks
Category: Social Emotional Learning
Amount Requested: $2,000

Project Description:
We are a very small district in the last town before the Kansas border. The only grade that has quality desks is 4th grade, while the rest of us have tables, and we have to find storage for student supplies in our classrooms. I switched to desks three years ago, and I had to go into the basement and find usable leftover desks. They have stains, markers, other names, and scratches all over the desktops. None of them stay open by themselves because the springs are broken or have been removed. Some won't close all the way, and most are not adjustable for taller or shorter students. A couple of them have a broken base that has been "glued" back together. I would like to have quality desks for my students that lift open, stay open, and do not slam closed, interrupting class time.

Project Goals:
I typically have 18-22 kids in my class. I know I will not receive enough money for 22 desks, but anything will help my classroom get working desks to improve their learning and enhance their learning environment.

Budget Breakdown:

  • Each desk costs $200-$250 each. I would prefer the lifting ones with storage underneath. If there are other ones that provide storage for less, I will purchase those, as long as they fit in our classroom. Our classrooms are not very big to hold large desks. I will be submitting in the Spring Grant Cycle as well