We're on the move!
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Teacher: Katie Gumnic
School: West Grand K-8
District: West Grand School District
District Website: wgsd.us
School Address: 715 Kinsey Ave., Kremmling, CO 80459
Grade Level: Special Education, 6-8
Region: Northwest
Project Title: We're on the move!
Category: Supporting Special Populations (English Language Learners, Special Needs Students, Gifted Education)
Amount Requested: $870
Project Description:
In our middle school, as in many others, students are finding it increasingly difficult to sit still and focus for an entire class period. While our amazing educators at West Grand Middle School are flexible in their approaches and instructional methods, we still have the need for further accommodations for these students. This money would fund the purchase of ten standing individual student desks. With these desks, the students who need movement and flexible seating options the most would have a comfortable option that would not single them out as such. After careful observation, discussion with classroom teachers and school leaders, as well as review of students' IEPs and individual needs, I know these desks could make an amazingly positive impact in our classrooms for our students.
Our rural community is in Grand County, Colorado. Our small town of Kremmling has a population of about 1,500 people and is located between two affluent ski communities. Our families and staff are dedicated, hard-working, determined folks. Because of the location of our beautiful community, the cost of living is very high and our resources are limited. Despite this, our families support the school district in ways they can, and our staff return day in and day out to brighten the futures of our children.
As a special education teacher, I want to support the classroom teachers and our most vulnerable students-those with disabilities. The number of students who have difficulty focusing and attending to instruction and activities is increasing, and we are taking many steps toward addressing this issue.
Having these standing desks would be an additional support for many students and could be included as one of the tools they have to reach their academic and behavioral goals. It is our intention, if these desks prove as helpful as our observations, discussions, and understanding suggest, to purchase more in the future for the elementary and high school levels, reaching a much larger number of students who share a similar need.
Budget Breakdown:
Individual desks (10) - $79.99 each
Tax - $65.60
Regulatory fees - $0.29
Total: $865.79
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