Collector's Choice

December 07, 2024 7:00 - 10:00 pm

Tickets now available!

  This signature soiree gives you pre-public access to the largest annual exhibition of contemporary art and fine crafts by North Carolina artists. Everything in this exhibition is meant for you to enjoy and collect. (Art is available at all price points!) Have a social night with friends, colleagues, or family while viewing amazing art. Preceded by First Choice on Thursday Dec. 5, a smaller-group opportunity to party and collect using pre-paid art credits.

Tickets include heavy hors d'oeuvres, wine, beer, and cocktails. Festive attire!

Don't delay - early bird pricing ends on Nov. 7, 2024.

Early bird: $125

Regular pricing: $140 per ticket beginning November 8, 2024.

Interested in purchasing art credits to attend First Choice? Check back soon or email [email protected].

Want to sponsor and support our mission while receiving complimentary tickets? Contact [email protected].

Hosted By

GreenHill Center for NC Art

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