Bracelets, Chx Dinner, Raffle


Please lend a hand in making the day a success. Use the link to sign up. Once you click link, scroll to the bottom of the page to see available sign-ups.

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Schedule Of the Day

11:00am: Parade
11:30am: Games, concessions and drinks open
Noon: Carnival rides and vendors open
4:00pm: Chicken dinner from King Edwards
5:00pm: John Evers Washers Tournament
6:00pm: Games close
7:00pm: Live music with the Defenders
8:00pm: Rides close
10:00pm: Picnic ends


RSVP to participate in Parade 

All Community Members, HCA and PSR students are invited to participate in the parade! Parade begins on Sutherland, just north of the Parish Center. Golf carts and fun cars are also welcome. 

Students should wear the assigned color of the class they were in 2023-2024 year.


Parade Colors


First Grade

Second Grade

Third Grade

Fourth Grade

Fifth Grade 

Sixth Grade (white)

Seventh Grade

Eighth Grade (show off your new high school colors)


SMA Picnic Committee

St. Michael the Archangel

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