Two Area 15 Access Level 2 Passes
Includes access to:
Alternate Realities:
Birdly - soar to virtual heights.
Bot Breach - blast your way to save the day at AREA15.
Particle Quest - unlock the AREA15 story in an AR scavenger hunt.
Immersive Explorations:
Brainstorm - an interactive oracle reading.
Illuminarium - a place to take you anyplace.
Laser Maze - navigate through a maze of lasers.
Museum Fiasco - surround yourself in a mesmerizing synergy of light and sound.
Origin Quest - discover AREA15's hidden secrets.
Wink World - walk through a psychedelic funhouse.
Ride & Play:
AR Dodgeball - virtual dodgeball in a whole new dimension.
Asylum Arcade ($5 in tokens) - indulge in old school arcade and bar games.
Dueling Axes - Axe Throwing Bar & Lounge - 30-minute axe throwing reservation.
Grand Prix Racing SIM - take the driver's seat and race the Grand Prix Formula 1 circuit.
LIFTOFF Ride - experience views of the city on a panoramic observation ride.
Vortex Rover - join the Multiverse Maintenance Team's mission and rescue the beloved Collector Robot, Tinky, in space.