Join us for the 2024 Fostering Futures event on October 18 at The Elliot in Cleveland, Ohio. This event benefits the important work that Fostering Hope does to enrich the lives of youth in the foster system from providing essential items and comforting belongings to delivering typical experiences like birthday and holiday celebrations to yoga and gardening for mental wellness. This year we will honor Nicole Lincoln, long time board member, volunteer, and advocate of Fostering Hope, with the 2024 Champion of Hope Award. Her dedication of countless volunteer hours and financial support over the last decade has advanced Fostering Hope's mission to a new level. Join us as we celebrate Nicole's commitment to the youth we serve.

Below you will find opportunities to register to attend, purchase company sponsorships, and browse exclusive auction items.

Celebrate and Support


Champions are individuals committed to the goal of raising funds on behalf of Fostering Hope through your own personal fundraising page. Share your page with others so they can learn about how we support youth in foster care and residential settings. 

Your generous support will help make our mission a reality!

$150000 Goal


Total Raised

Donate Now

Help our cause by contributing to our fundraising efforts.

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

Hosted By

Fostering Hope
For questions please contact

The Elliot

1415 Kenilworth Avenue, Cleveland, OH, USA

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