Megan, age 20, was a smart, caring, and compassionate young woman.  She was loved by her family for her sense of humor, her silliness and adventure. However, beneath her jokes and snarky remarks, Megan carried a burden that she struggled with for many years.

Growing up, Megan had a difficult time sharing and communicating her feelings. She often experienced intense waves of sadness and moodiness.  In times of transition or instability, she became anxious, nervous, and obsessive.   As her senior year in high school approached, she was ready to head into the 'working world" and blaze her own path.  She completed her classes early, worked full-time and also had a part-time job. Near graduation, she moved out on her own with a friend.  Amongst the changes of a new job, an apartment and being on her own, she found herself withdrawing from activities she once enjoyed.  She understood that working paid the rent, groceries and expenses to live on her own.  Megan was quick to share that "adulting" sucked.  She was a dedicated employee and enjoyed working as a low voltage technician while exploring the possibility of becoming an electrician.  She spoke highly of her company and co-workers and often shared stories of them.

Despite her efforts to hide her inner turmoil, Megan's family watched the ups and downs.  They encouraged her to seek help.  Megan was hesitant. She was afraid, unsure and she didn't want to burden her loved ones with her problems or with the financial expenses.  In the end at age 20, Megan took her own life.  

In Megan's honor, her family wants to help other students in her community receive the necessary financial resources to help offset the cost of mental health counseling.  In addition, they want to increase the awareness of resources available to help our youth and their families find mental health help.  

In Megan's honor, we are contriubting memorial funds to help support mental health resources for students in the Plainfield Community School Corporation in Plainfield, Indiana.  Megan had a long struggle with mental health and in the end, she couldn't conquer it.  Mental health is so important.  We want to help those students and families in our community gain access to mental health counseling and resources.  Please make sure you are taking care of yourself and those around you!  A special thank you for the Plainfield Community School Legacy Foundation for assisting us.

Checks can be mailed to:
P.O. Box 626
Plainfield, In 46168
Venmo is @PCSLF-1
Note: Megan's name

Hosted By

Plainfield Community Schools Legacy Foundation

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