Event Registration
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You can still participate.WELCOME TO OUR 2024 GALA & GIFT AUCTION EVENT PAGE!
We welcome over 600 guests to our signature fundraiser mostly mothers and daughters of the Academy as well as our alumnae, Board of Trustees, Sisters of Charity and incoming freshman families. Rally your girls, their friends and their moms and plan your tables and get your tickets!
- Students usually sit together with their friends and the parents have their own tables together. There are 10 seats per table.
- There is a drop-down menu for Registrations on our event webpage.
- If you'd like to be seated at a table with a specific group, please name one person a "Table Captain" for your table.
- When purchasing your ticket list that name in the section of the registration asking for a Table Captain (table captain will be responsible for communicating on behalf of the group).
- In the same way one student can be a table captain for a group of students who plan to sit together.
- We also ask you to include your daughter's grade in her registration so our reservations committee can assign tables in sections by grade.
1) Make a Donation: All families are required to make a contribution to the gift auction by making a $200 donation online or by purchasing an item of similar value on the "BUY NOW" section on the website.
- Go to our event webpage HERE
- Scroll through the various packages and make your selection.
(Our gift auction committee will order the items on your family's behalf and put together your basket donation. Please be sure to be provide us with how your family would like to be recognized for your auction donation. Example: The Smith Family, '24 & '26)
2) Purchase an ad in honor of a graduate or to advertise your business in the digital program journal.
3) Purchase a sponsorship by allowing more proceeds to benefit the school and get an inclusive event package including donor recognition throughout the gala. Please note families who are purchasing a sponsorship is exempt from their required family donation.
4) Solicit your favorite retailers/businesses for a gift, ad or sponsorship. This is especially helpful for Saint E's families who own a business or have a relationship with a business in a market that supports non-profit, independent schools. You can print this letter to use for your solicitation.
5) Spread the word! Share our invite and event information on your social media pages. Invite your friends and family members to join you. It is a GREAT opportunity for our seniors to be celebrated even beyond their own Saint E's families.