The Oddities




What is World Baseball Academy?

World Baseball Academy, Inc., a homegrown 501(c)3 nonprofit, is a valued asset for Northeast Indiana because of the positive impact on youth and community vitality. Our vision is to develop leaders who positively impact our world.


World Baseball Academy owns and operates the ASH Centre athletic complex while serving over 8,000 boys and girls each year through programs and activities that fulfill our vision of developing the next generation of young leaders.


Team Captains who join WBA's Wiffle Ball Spooktacular will help raise support directly for our On Deck programs serving at-risk boys and girls, helping them reach their full potential, overcoming challenges of socioeconomic status and intellectual or physical disability. WBA depends on donors to offer On Deck at no cost to families, giving over 1,800 kids/year opportunities to learn, be mentored, and to serve through a variety of programs, including skills camps, Badges for Baseball, STEM lessons, adaptive programs, summer camps, volunteering, and year-round mentoring.


WBA Website

Main Fundraiser Page
