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This year's Spring Fundraiser-"All In, All Knight" will be held on Saturday, April 20, 2024. Proceeds from the event and virtual silent action will be used for tuition assistance and school improvements- updating curriculum, ongoing technology improvements and upkeep, as well as teacher professional development. Recently, the Illinois legislature adjourned for the year without passing legislation to continue the Invest in Kids tax credit scholarship program. This provided 24 scholarships to St. Hubert School students, totaling $130,925, and will directly affect students at our school. Our Tuition Assistance Program helps to offset this impact on our families. Note that St. Hubert School is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Virtual Silent Auction


Silent Auction Information

Have questions about our auction? Not sure how to place bids or what happens when you are outbid? This is the place for you! If you have a question that is not covered, please feel free to email us at [email protected] for assistance.

Silent Auction Instructions

Can we count on your support this year?


With a single contribution, your business or family will be recognized as a major contributor in the marketing channels noted on each sponsorship level.


Click for more details on Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, or Black level Sponsorships.


Become a Sponsor

$50,000 Goal


Total Raised

Hosted By

St. Hubert Parish and School
Questions? Please contact the Auction Committee.

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