2024 CTU River Stewardship Gala

March 07, 2024 5:45 - 10:00 pm

Post Gala Items

THANK YOU for supporting our gala, which was a tremendous success in 2024! We currently have 5 open items for sale post-gala event, which are instant buy items and available by clicking the link on this page to view/buy items. These packages will not be available after Thursday March 27th at 7 PM MT.

OUR WHY: Colorado Trout Unlimited is hard at work year-round implementing projects that enhance, protect and restore trout and their habitat. Our youth programs are experiencing a growth-phase; we are excited to engage with and educate many new kids this year in order to ensure a bright future for conservation of the resources in our state.

If you have any questions about Gala please email info@coloradotu.org or call 2547217209; ask for Whitney

Hosted By

Colorado Trout Unlimited

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