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See Yourself Like Never Before

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Have you ever wondered why there are so many cliches about the eyes? Windows to the soul. Seeing eye to eye. A cold, dead stare. Or have you ever wondered why all of our eyes look so unique and different? Here's your opportunity to understand what your eyes say about you through the practice of Iridology (the study of the colored part of the eye for personality and health information). (6) people will join Iridologist, Healing Diets Counselor, Health Coach, Reflexologist and founder of The Eye in Team, Dani Espinosa for a 2-hour interactive and personal Iridology workshop at The Denver Tea Room.

We'll meet for an exquisite tea party coordinated by Tea Master and Pastry Chef, Margo Seymour Sparto at her gorgeous tea room known for its private events and afternoon tea. We begin by taking magnified images of each person's iris, while clarifying goals and intentions for the session and learning the basics of Iridology. As you enjoy your tea, we'll begin to dive into each unique personality type and have an interactive exploration. Towards the end, we'll assess what we've learned and determine at least 3 dietary and lifestyle recommendations for each person. Each guest will also receive a "Healthy Handouts" goody bag complete with: healthy samples, $50 superfood gift cards and a complimentary 30-minute follow up with Dani.

Whether it's just the girls, your home family unit or your work family unit, learning about ourselves and how we interact with others, our environment and different diets/lifestyles is a unique opportunity. You'll leave feeling empowered, wise and proud of your unique traits and gifts.

Donated by: Dani Espinosa

Restrictions: Expires April 30, 2019. Must by scheduled on a mutually agreed upon date and time. No available during holidays.

Donated By Dani Espinosa