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Tools for the home improvement

$150 current bid
11 Bids

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200 piece first-aid kit, Stanley tape measure, husky 165 lumen flashlight, husky combination wrench set, husky 150z lite steel rip, husky 23 pc stubby driver set, husky bucket jockey, husky 20" saw, husky 6pc screwdriver, Ryobi 21pc titanium coated drill bit, Ryobi 22pc driving kit, 5 gal home depot bucket, leather gloves, eyewear, blue hawk 10 in hacksaw, staple, Stanley 3-blade utility knife, 6-in long nose plyers, 6-in slip joint, 8-in groove joint, 8-in adj wrench, rayovac 6v float lantern, 106-pc drill/drive

Donated By John Mattie

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Niebur Development