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Family Summer Package

$175 current bid
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Two after 5PM Park Passes to Quassy Amusement Park. Redeem for up to four evening wristbands. Includes rides and (in season) "Splash Away Bay."
*Not valid July 4, 2017. Valid Monday - Thursday in June, July & August 2017.

A four-pack of tickets to one of the following 2017 Bridgeport Bluefish games:
Monday, May 9th, Tuesday, June 13, Monday, July 17, Tuesday, August 8, Tuesday, September 5. All games start at 7:12pm

Enjoy a round of miniature golf for eight at Sports Center of Connecticut in Shelton.

Hike, jog, cross-country ski or just meander along more than 60 miles of trails through Regional Water Authority watershed lands. Fish from the shores in the sparkling clean water of five secluded reservoirs or from our 70-foot long dock at Lake Saltonstall. Bike through an 18th century settlement at Little Genesee in North Madison and more. With nine recreation areas located in 13 communities, there is bound to be an area close to you with this 13 month family membership to the RWA.

You and three guests are invited to enjoy a two and a half hour Essex Steam Train & Riverboat Excursion. This voucher is valid for Coach Seating, Monday through Friday and cannot be used toward any other ticketed event.

Donated By Bridgeport Bluefish, The Essex Steam Train and Riverboat, Regional Water Authority, Quassy Amusement Park & The Sports Center of CT

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