Luck O' the Irish
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FMV: $265
Whether you are Irish or Irish-at-heart, you'll enjoy this package which includes: a 6-pack of Two Brothers Beer and Two Brothers glass and mug; one $25 gift card to Solemn Oath Brewery with growler glass, "SOB" hat, one medium "SOB" t-shirt, and 1 XL tank top; and a Rock Bottom Brewery shoulder cooler filled with a growler, t-shirt and a $25 gift card. And celebrate on St. Patty's day (or anytime) with a $20 gift card to Shannon's Irish Pub in Glen Ellyn and a collection of three traditional Irish music CDs by Gavin Coyle.
Donated By Two Brothers Beer Solemn Oath Brewery Rock Bottom Brewery Shannon's Irish Pub Gavin Coyle