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The impact of your donation

1 in 36 children are diagnosed with autism - an increase from 1 in 45 last year.  These children grow up and become adults with autism, and families face a new set of challenges - a lack of appropriate adult services and supports.  We know this because we are parent-led and driven to address the question of "What's next?" 

The children with autism for whom we built programs and classes are now young adults, and will need ongoing support from 18-80+.  This is our biggest lift yet as we address lifelong learning, living, earning and leisure. 

AutismUp is leading the way.  We are committed to to building pathways for more than 3,300 autism families by creating innovative opportunities from diagnosis and across the lifespan.  In fact, people from near and far are discovering AutismUp, and our membership continues to grow rapidly.

Please help us stay strong.  Your participation provides support and opportunities for thousands living with autism that promote independence, community, socialization, fitness, recreation and sensory regulation.  Your participation provides help and gives hope.  Thank you.


All players must agree to a liability release during registration, and partners must agree when confirming attendance.

Click here to read the liabiity release. 

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Get a jump start on end-of-year giving as a one-time, or monthly sustaining, supporter of AutismUp. No act of generosity is too small to make a difference. All gifts directly fund operations that maintain quality services for thousands.

*You can become a part of our 2024 "Soaring Circle" with a gift of $1,200 (or monthly recurring gift of $100).

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Questions? Please contact Lisa Ponticello

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Clem's 144 Challenge Run

Rochesterian Clement Chung, has been on a mission to bring awareness to autism since his son was diagnosed at age three. After connecting with an AutismUp Family Navigator for resources and education, Clement has been actively involved in connecting others to the mission of AutismUp and supporting the parent-led organization's philanthropy efforts. This past April, during Autism Awareness & Acceptance Month, Clement announced the kick-off of his "1:44 Challenge." The avid running enthusiast established planned an effort to run 144 miles around t the boundaries of Monroe County in 44 hours, and to raise money for AutismUp with this proect. 

Clem started his run Friday, Nov 17 at 4pm, and expects to finish Sunday at noon at the Robach Community Center at  Ontario Beach Park. 

In this video Clem explains the proect in his own words Watch Now

You can cheer on Clem and support AutismUp by donating to his campaign DONATE NOW