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Huntington Bank Presents: The 20th Annual Voices Carry
Tuesday, September 24th 6:00 PM-10:00 PM
The Westin Pittsburgh


Voices Carry is a live concert event featuring local music celebrities to benefit the individuals, families, and communities served by Auberle. Buy your tickets, tables, and sponsorships today!

Hosted By

Pauline Auberle Foundation


The Westin Pittsburgh, Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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Auction Donors
If you would like to donate an item to be auctioned off, please contact
Christina Newmyer at [email protected]. Thank you!


A Voices Carry sponsorship provides your business with the opportunity to network with hundreds of attendees and widen your reach within the community. Above all, however, your sponsorship will directly impact the lives of those who Auberle serves, taking part in transforming the lives of individuals and families across Western Pennsylvania.


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