After suffering from Ulcerative Colitis for nearly a decade, filmmaker Saffron Cassaday tries a new treatment known as Fecal Microbiota Transplant: taking stool from a healthy donor and implanting it into the gut of a sick patient. Using her partner as a stool donor, Saffron spares no detail in exploring what some experts believe could be the biggest medical breakthrough of the 21st Century.
Please join Achieving Cures Together for the Minnesota premiere of the Designer $hit Documentary on October 19th at the Trylon Cinema in Minneapolis. Post-film screening, ACT is hosting a panel discussion featuring:
- Dr. Alexander Khoruts, Director of the University of Minnesota Microbiota Therapeutics Program
- Dr. Beth Adams, parent of Ulcerative Colitis patient
- Amanda Kabage, Research Program Manager and Regulatory Specialist at the University of Minnesota Microbiota Therapeutics Program
- Peter Westerhaus, Achieving Cures Together founder and Ulcerative Colitis patient
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Save lives by advancing microbiome research.
Your contribution towards Achieving Cures Together provides microbiota therapeutics to clinical trials at major universities, targeting conditions including Ulcerative Colitis, Autism, Parkinson’s Disease, Cancer recovery, Advanced Liver Disease and more. Thank you for your partnership and for your gift of healing and hope.