Community is Stronger than Cancer

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Your donation allows us to provide free bilingual (English/Spanish), emotional and social support programs to cancer patients, their families and caregivers throughout their cancer journey.

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

$70/mo qualifies for the $841 joint filing tax credit

$35/mo qualifies for the $421 single filer tax credit

Cancer Support Community Arizona's (CSCAZ) mission is to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.

Our bilingual (English/Spanish) services are crucial because, while cancer patients typically receive state-of-the-art medical treatment, effective cancer care also requires the integration of psychological and social services to identify and address issues associated with a cancer diagnosis and prognosis.

Our programs are for anyone impacted by cancer, any diagnosis at any stage and include support groups, healthy lifestyle programs, education presentations, social connections, and resources & referrals, including embedded hospital navigators who connect cancer patients to community resources such as our Direct Assistance Fund to help with out-of-pocket treatment expenses to ensure continuity of care.

OCredit for Contributions to Qualifying Charitable OrganizationsO

Arizona provides a tax credit to individuals who make a contribution to Qualifying Charitable Organizations (QCO), like Cancer Support Community Arizona. Individuals making cash donations to Cancer Support Community Arizona may claim a tax credit on their Arizona Personal Income Tax returns.



That means you can receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your state income taxes, up to $841 for married couples filing jointly or $421 for taxpayers filing as single or head of household. This credit is in addition to those you can receive for foster care, private school tuition and public school extra-curricular activities. You don't need to itemize your deductions to benefit from the credit.
 Click here for more information from the Arizona Department of Revenue website.


*Please always consult your tax advisor for proper handling of charitable gifts and for questions about the Charitable Tax Credit.

If you prefer, you may remit a check payable to:

OCancer Support Community ArizonaO


Mail to:
Cancer Support Community Arizona
Attn: Mission Advancement
360 E Palm Lane
Phoenix, AZ 85004


In the memo, please write: TaxCredit23

Hosted By

Cancer Support Community Arizona
Questions? Annet Ruiter, Chief Mission Officer

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