August 2022 Forum
August 17, 2022 7:30 - 9:00 am
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You can still participate in the auction!Join us for our August forum as we discuss the unseen diversity that surrounds women. We will talk through open, honest, and positive ways to confront and address both conscious and unconscious bias. You don't want to miss out on this powerful conversation around diversity, women, and the challenges that they've overcome.
Tiffany Willis - VP, Head of Investor Relations at Starbucks (Moderator)
E'lon Ciriaco - Global Product Manager at Equifax
Sandy Mollett - Chief Operating Officer at Inclusivv
Melissa Waller - Executive Director at Change The Game
About WIT Forums: Truly successful people never stop learning. WIT offers monthly breakfast events that feature a range of relevant and engaging topics delivered by individual speakers and panelists from leading companies and organizations. Thought leaders and professionals, both women and men, gather at these monthly forums to collaborate with peers and find out what women in STEAM are doing to influence trends and set standards of excellence. Key leaders from Georgia businesses lead interactive discussions on timely topics designed to provide professional women and men with tips and actionable skills they can apply directly to their career development.