Give something, however small, to the one in need. For it is not small to one who has nothing. Neither is it small to God, if we have given what we could.
- St. Gregory Nazianzen
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Your donation helps Regina Pacis fulfill our promise.
Regina Pacis Academy is run by lay persons. It receives no diocesan or parish financial subsidies. The school is a 501(c)(3) and all contributions are fully tax deductible.
Never before has Regina Pacis held such potential to form future saints and scholars with its largest student enrollment. We're experiencing unprecedented growth as families find hope in the authentically Catholic and distinctly classical education.
We seek to close the gap between tuition and operating expenses, so that our excellent teachers can continue to serve, and we can continue to assist those families receiving financial aid.
Catholic Classical Education for Students Pre-K to 8th Grade
Achieve academic excellence and to nurture an intimate relationship with Christ as modeled by the Apostles, by providing a Roman Catholic classical education taught by teachers loyal to the Magisterium
- EDUCATE students in humanities, sciences, and authentic Catholic teaching, so each may develop a sense of what is true, good, and beautiful
- FORM the whole person of each student to put truth and Catholic moral values into action with a disposition toward service
- ENABLE students to meet the challenges of life with high self-esteem by teaching them how to think
- PROTECT the school environment by providing a virtuous, loving, and wholesome family setting
- ATTRACT families who will contribute to a welcoming, safe, and joyful surrounding in which their children may flourish, at a reasonable cost for all
$100,000 Goal
Total Raised