Support our Scholars Sponsorship Opportunities

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Help our cause by becoming a Sponsor

No act of generosity is too small to make a difference.

$1000 - Platinum Event Sponsor
$500 - Gold Event Sponsor
$250 - Silver Event Sponsor
$25 - $249 Friend

Opportunities to Support Our Scholars

Your company/individual tax deductible sponsorship contribution or donation of goods or services
will be recognized in the following ways:

$1000 - Platinum Event Sponsor

  • Acknowledged as Platinum Event Sponsor by being featured on the pages of the virtual event website
  • Name displayed during the virtual event
  • Name included on all RAP Social Media channels including the 2022 SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARS sponsor page of the RAP website ( and Facebook page (
  • Recognized as a Platinum sponsor in the email notifications and updates

$500 - Gold Event Sponsor

  • Acknowledged as Gold Event Sponsor on the virtual event website
  • Name displayed during the virtual event
  • Name included on all RAP Social Media channels including the 2022 SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARS sponsor page of the RAP website ( and Facebook page (
  • Recognized as a Gold sponsor in the email notifications and updates

$250 - Silver Event Sponsor

  • Acknowledged as Silver Event Sponsor on the virtual event website
  • Name displayed during the virtual event
  •  Name included on all RAP Social Media channels including the 2022 SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARS sponsor page of the RAP website ( and Facebook page (
  • Recognized as a Silver sponsor in the email notifications and updates

Friend of ~Support Our Scholars~:  monetary donations $25 - $249

  • Donations over $100 will be listed on the virtual event website

Tax Deductible Donation of Goods or Services

To be used for our raffles and auction -

  • Name acknowledged on the raffle/auction donor's page in the virtual event website
  • Name included on all RAP Social Media channels including the 2022 SUPPORT OUR SCHOLARS sponsor page of the RAP website ( and Facebook page (

The Rochester Alumnae Panhellenic is a 501(c) (3) public charitable organization listed as "Rochester City Panhellenic" under the internal revenue code with an employment identification number of 16-6058443.  The full amount of Sponsorships is tax deductible. Other donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.  Sponsors and donors are advised to contact their accountant with questions.  The proceeds from this event are used to fund Rochester Alumnae Panhellenic Scholarships which provide financial assistance to Rochester Area Women pursuing either graduate or undergraduate degrees.

Hosted By

Rochester Alumnae Panhellenic
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