$100000 Goal


Total Raised

Donate Now

Donate today to provide free or low-cost therapy, childcare, education resources, family-bonding events, and emergency intervention for thousands of children and families in your community! Your contribution will now help Strengthen Families and Protect Children in Cache, Rich, and Franklin counties.

Where can I find one of the Starfish Holiday Giving Trees?

This year, make your donation count long after the holiday season by giving to strengthen families and protect children! At each of the business below, you will find one of our Starfish Holiday Giving Trees. Each tree has cards that allow you to choose a donation gift, ranging from art supplies for $5 to therapy services for $25 and every tree has a total value of $1,000. All you have to do is scan the Venmo QR code on the back to give instantly! If you or your business are interested in hosting a giving tree you can contact our Outreach Coordinator Maria at [email protected]


Can't make it to one of our giving trees located at the businesses below? You can select a virtual card through our online Starfish Giving Machine found here.



    Starfish Giving Tree Spotlights





Hosted By

The Family Place