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8am - 12:00pm
8:00 Registration, breakfast & EVICTED tours
8:30 Welcome - Dwight Ford
8:45 Devontae Brooks with Guarantee Rate - "Home ownership creating new pathways in new realities-it's still possible"
9:15 Market Panel (Rent & Home Ownership)
- Sharon Smith Quad Cities Area REALTORS (overview of the market today),
- Leslie Kilgannon from the Quad Cities Housing Cluster (lack of affordable housing and what we are doing),
- Sam Moyer with Ecumenical Housing Development Group (zoning challenges and economic development)
10:00 Homesick author, Brendan O'Brien
10:30 Homelessness Panel-
- Cindi Gramenz from Christian Care (shelter reality; # of beds, challenges, funding streams; NIMBY).
- Project NOW's Cathy Jordan (wrap around services)
- Ashley Velez with Humility Homes & Services (shelter reality)
11:15 Dr. Yolanda Grandberry Pugh - Her eviction story and what we can do, including a discussion of legislative solutions.
11:45 Final Thoughts from Dwight Ford
12:00 Tours of EVICTED