Donate Now
Make a gift today to help a woman on her path to employment, economic security, and a brighter future.
Here are some examples of how your gift can go to work for local job-seekers:
$2,500.00 | Sponsor a woman from enrollment through graduation.
$1,000.00 | Sponsor a life-changing mentorship.
$500.00 | Sponsor a career development workshop.
$250.00 | Sponsor a resume update for a client.
$100.00 | Sponsor a monthly bus pass for a job-seeker.
$50.00 | Sponsor a gift card for work essentials.
All donations will go to the areas of greatest need.
Hosted By
Pennsylvania Women WorkQuestions? Contact Events & Campaign Manager, Brooke Fussner.
The Circuit Center
The Circuit Center and Ballroom by The Fluted Mushroom, Hot Metal Street, Pittsburgh, PA, USA