Friday, October 25, 2024
6:00 pm - 10:00 pm
The Society of the Donauschwaben (German-American Cultural Center)
7370 Columbia Road, Olmsted Township, OH 44138
Appetizers and Bar Open at 6:00 pm
Buffet Dinner at 7:00
Traditional German Food and Music
Beer & Wine Included
Evening will include: 50/50 Raffle, Baskets, Games, Entertainment
Casual Attire
Womankind's Oktoberfest will raise funds to provide FREE prenatal care
and support services to pregnant women and families in need!
Silent Auction and Games
CLICK HERE TO BID & PLAYSign Up to Participate
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You can still participate in the auction!Donate Now
Womankind is a Prenatal & Maternal Care Center that was founded in 1975 and provides FREE prenatal care and support services to pregnant women and families in need in our community. All of our services are free to our clients and are made possible by the kindness of donors like you.
Thank youfor your generous support!
Donauschwaben's German-American Cultural Center, Columbia Road, Olmsted Falls, OH, USA