Oil Paint over Slip-Cast Porcelain
Through the leadership of Council Delegate Amber Kanazbah Crotty, in March 2019 a working group was established to begin addressing the ongoing crisis of missing and murdered relatives on the Navajo Nation. The group is comprised of a multidisciplinary team tasked with developing a framework to establish a Missing & Murdered Diné Relatives data institute, encourage community action, and develop a missing persons community action toolkit to empower Navajo communities to be proactive in prevention, awareness, and mobilization to recover missing relatives and to provide support to families of MMDR.
This dynamic team is comprised of members from the Navajo Nation Missing Persons Updates, Navajo Nation Office of the Speaker, Navajo Nation Epidemiology Center, Navajo Area IHS, Navajo Human Rights Commission, Northern Arizona University Center for Health Equity Research, Diné College, local sexual and domestic violence coalitions, social justice advocates, college students, and families of MMDR.