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Treat yourself this summer...you deserve it!
-Vita Medical Spa Gift Card - $500
-The Fitness Loft Gift Card - $250
-Free teeth whitening at Smile Dental of Manhasset - (valued at $800)
-Bottle of wine
Donated by Vita Medical Spa, The Fitness Loft, and Smile Dental of Manhasset
Because You Deserve It
- 1 Salt Cave Session at Salt Cave Port Washington
- In home Facial by NeyTiv Natural Spa Boutique
- One session with Kayte Natter Fitness - Personal Trainer
- Beautycounter Products
- Make-up Tray
Donated by Salt Cave Port Washington, Alex Wyse - NeyTiv Natural Spa, Kayte Natter Fitness, and Alana Brock - Beautycounter
Initial Pediatric Consultation from Balance Equals Health.
Balance Equals Health is a mother/daughter team of second- and third-generation health care practitioners who are passionate about caring for patients using an integrative, collaborative, and natural approach to health.
Valid until August 31, 2023
Donated by Dr. Klein - Balance Equals Health
Free teeth cleaning plus full exam at Smile Dental of Manhasset. (value at $350)
Donated by The Jung Family - Smile Dental of Manhasset
Donated by 40 Love, Christopher Morley Tennis & Jenny So
Nails, make-up and dinner! Everything you need for date night.
Prime 1024 Gift Card - $150
Sient makeup Set
Noble Nail Gift Certificate - $50
Donated by Prime 1024, Sient, & Noble Nails
Pamper yourself and relax!
Salt Cave Gift Certificate - 3 salt sessions
NuBest Gift Card - $100
Penny & Cooper soap, hand cream & bath sprinkles
Panier Cadeau - coffee, chocolate & Mug
Donated by Salt Cave Roslyn, NuBest, Penny & Cooper, & Panier Cadeau
This workout basket includes:
- Salon Pop gift card - $100
- Pure Barre (Unlimited month of classes)
- Lululemon White Belt Bag
- Fitrition Gift Card - $100
- Citron Colored Stanley (contact Danielle DiCerbo to customize)
Donated by Salon Pop, Pure Barre, Pearl Lee, and Fitrition
Enjoy this 2-week unlimited introductory package to Bikram Yoga in Roslyn and a yoga mat.
Donated by Bikram Yoga Roslyn
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