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The Cat's Meow!

$150 current bid
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Have no meowies, we have your four-legged family member covered.

- $25 gift card to Teske Pet & Garden, 3 bags of cat treats, 1 cat nip toy

- Here Kitty Kitty Kitty by Ruth from Friendship Manor

Ruth grew up on a farm near Thomson, IL. Ruth met her husband, Robert, later in life and they were married on February 13th, 1971. Ruth and Robert used to go in and help Wanda, the Admin. Asst., at First Lutheran with folding the bulletins. Wanda stated that as long as she had known Ruth, Ruth has worn shirts with cats on them or cat pins. Ruth and Robert always had cats over the years. Ruth told me that you have to have at least 2 cats because they need a friend - kind of like her and Robert. Where one goes, so does the other. Ruth and Robert reside together at New Friendships Memory Care and they attend all activities together. Ruth's painting is a memory of her days on the farm. Ruth would always feed the kitties some fresh milk after her parents were done with milking for the day.

Donated By Teske Pet and Garden and Memories in the Making Artist