Fab Fit Fun Beauty Box
FMV $645
This extra large beauty box is packed with some of the greatest products! A Billie razor kit, Hydro Silk Touch Up razors, one Make Up Eraser, a Spongelle body wash infused buffer, three Saie beauty rounds, M.A.D glycolic age diffusing cleanser, a L'ange microfiber hair wrap, Lush & Luster 2-step daily lash ritual, Teatty makeup brushes, Lades spa headbands, Orlando Pita hair protectant spray, Megababe Theigh Rescue anti-friction stick, Neutrogena make-up remover packs, Kate Somerville moisturizer, Amazing Grace fragrance discovery set, MakeupDrop silicone makeup applicator, Becca soft light blurring powder, Lifestyle Co. green tea and aloe natural body polish, Aesthetica beauty sponge, Ahava essential day moisturizer, Dr. Brandt triple peptide eye cream, Dr. Brandt hydrating essence toner and Purity exfoliating clay mask.