In consideration for acceptance of my registration for the Family Promise of Butler County's Dot Dash 5K Event, I and on behalf of my heirs, executors and assigns hereby waive any and all claims of any nature arising out of and/or alleged to have arisen out of my participation either in-person or virtually in the Family Promise of Butler County Dot Dash 5K Event and do hereby release, discharge, hold harmless, and indemnify GHG Timing LLC, City of Hamilton, Ohio, Family Promise and Family Promise of Butler County including all trustees, officers, directors, board members, employees, organizers, sponsors, agents, workers, officials and volunteers, directly or indirectly associated with any of the organizations and the event, both individually and together, from any such claims.  I agree to abide by all rules for participation and acknowledge that the Dot Dash 5K Committee may refuse or return my registration at its sole discretion.  I understand, freely acknowledge and fully assume all risks associated with participating in the Dot Dash 5K Event and have trained adequately in preparation for the event.  I further grant permission to all foregoing to use any photographs, videos, motion pictures, or any other record of this event for any legal purpose.  Lastly, I understand and will abide by all protocols and guidance as set forth by the CDC, the Governor of Ohio, the Butler Co. and Hamilton Health Departments and will refrain from attending the Dot Dash 5K Event if I have a cough, fever or any COVID-19 related symptoms. 


Private Policy


You will be asked during the check out process if you have read and agree to the terms of this release/private policy. In addition, parents/legal guardians must also mark the box on behalf of any minor being registered.