KLD Kate 631D ET
$15,250KLD Kate 631D ET
AHA P43777051
Miniature Hereford Pair
Birth Date: 11/1/2016
Sire: SS Turtle
Dam: KAP Cady Sampson
Heifer Calf (Polled) Born on 10/1/20 . Here is a pair of females that can put any breeding program to the next level! Kate absolutely checks every box, Dark Red, Flawless structure, Massive bodied, Nice udder, Polled and a direct daughter of the breeds most Prolific and Powerful cow, Cady! She's a maternal sister to 3 National Champion females! Now lets talk about the Heifer Calf on her side, WOW, our first calf out of the breeds most valued bull KLD 50K! We have never had a natural calf show this much promise at this young of age, she's absolutely a beast! You can build a program around this pair! Need more proof of Kate's production record other than the amazing heifer on her side? Check out lot 2, her first calf by Mean Gene ALSO sells in this sale. We are selling Half Interest in KLD Kate, and half interest in her 50K heifer calf (possession will be negotiated) Here is a opportunity to partner with us on a great pair of young females, Kate is only a 4 Year Old! Kate is just about ready to flush and fill your tank with embryos to put in this Fall and market at upcoming sales! Two breed leading females in this first lot! We wouldn't have a Sale without selling our Best! Call Darrin if you'd like more details or have questions about this unique partnership opportunity! 816.898.8990. 45 inches tall.
1. Kate
2. Cady (Dam)
3. KLD 50K(sire of calf)

KLD Kate 920G
$7,750KLD Kate 920G
AHA P44092712
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 2/25/2019
Sire: SS Sir Gene
Dam: KLD Kate 631D
Polled! The first natural calf of KLD Kate (Lot1). A spitting image of her mother, Polled, dark red, BOLD in her rib shape and guess what, she is safe in calf to 50K! That cross worked pretty well on her mother! We don't have many bred cow sales but when we do we load them up with the breeds best! No doubt in our mind she will be in the donor pen soon after she calves!
PE to KLD 50K from 5/5/20-8/5/20. Vet estimated calving date is Mid to Late Feb. 43 Inches tall
1. 920G
2. KLD Kate 631D (Dam)
3. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

KLD Sheza Looker 810F ET
$7,750KLD Sheza Looker 810F ET
AHA 43997332
Miniature Hereford Bred Cow
Birth Date: 1/2/2018
Sire: SS Turtle
Dam: KAP Cady Sampson
Pictured here as a yearling, you can see what kind of show heifers she'll produce for you! KLD Sheeza Looker is a full sib to KLD Kate (Lot 1). The Horned version of this epic Turtle x Cady Mating, Looker is only 2.5 years old and has a good flush record already, we IVF'd her as a virgin heifer to BR Tyrion, resulting in 5 good eggs. The news gets even better- Looker sells safe in calf to KLD 50K! Its our recipe for success, just keep on stacking the pedigree's with the worlds most proven and predictable genetics! This young cow has a bright future ahead of her, we have done the hard work, just take her home and reap the benefits of generations of proven breed leaders!
PE 5/5/20-8/5/20 to KLD 50K, vet estimates a calving date of late Feb. 45 inches tall
1. 810F
2. Cady (Dam)
3. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

KLD Echo 709E ET
$8,000KLD Echo 709E ET
AHA 43787583
Miniature Hereford Pair
Birth Date: 3/9/2017
Sire: KAP Orson Hunter
Dam: KAP Cady Sampson
Heifer Calf Born 10/15/20, If you are new to the Mini Hereford breed, listen to these stats - Lot 4, KLD Echo is a full sib to KLD Kit(two time National Champ) KLD Estelle(Grand Heifer in KC, Louisville and Denver) and KLD Cally (Grand Heifer and JR Nationals and Louisville). Those 3 full sisters have also produced at least one National Champion themselves! INCREDIBLE! That's the blood running thru this elegant lady! She did well raising her first calf, KLD Beast Mode was Reserve Grand Prospect Steer and JR Nationals this year. There is a difference and the Orson x Cady matings just flat get it done. Sells with a super Heifer calf at side by BR Tyrion, the Triple Crown Winning ,Unbeaten, King of the Ring! KLD Echo is only 3 years old and ready to produce more champions for the next decade! 44 inches tall
1. Echo
2. KLD Kit (Full Sib)
3. BR Tyrion (Service Sire)

KLD/WCR/WLE Vanessa 894G
$6,850KLD/WCR/WLE Vanessa 894G
AHA 44092123
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 12/27/2018
Sire: SS Sir Gene
Dam: SS Vanessa Z220
The first daughter to sell out of the $26,000 SS Vanessa Z220 donor that topped our last Bred Cow Sale to WCR and Wesner Livestock in Indiana. Its so difficult to add this much skeletal extension, while keeping them under the 45 inch hip height and that's what makes this heifer so special! No bull has impacted the breed more positively the last 4 years than her sire, SS Sir Gene "Mean Gene". With all the accolades of her pedigree we are just as excited about her phenotype, she has the scale and look the breed needs going forward. We couldn't be happier with the way she has developed over the last year and know she will be one that you can build a herd around! Her 50K calf next spring will sure be one in high demand! Remember you can't buy 50K semen on the open market, adding these heifers bred to him will put you in the limited club of breeders to have 50K calves!!
PE to KLD 50K from 5/5/20-8/5/20 Vet estimates calving date of Mid Feb. 44.5 inches tall Retaining the right to 1 IVF flush at our cost and buyers convenience.
1. 894G
2. Z220 (Dam)
3. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

KLD Foxy Roxy 933G ET
$7,250KLD Foxy Roxy 933G ET
AHA 44067614
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 5/20/2019
Sire: SS Sir Gene
Dam: KLD Cally 333A
Paws, Pasterns and Pretty as can be!! She is such a unique creature being huge footed and having that hard to find squishy pastern this breed is desperate to find! You talk about pretty, her long skinny neck shoots out of the top of her neck like a rocket! Wide based, big legged and a huge topped just add to her unmatched phenotype! The first of 4 Daughters to sell by the very first National Junior Champion female, KLD Cally (now residing at Shady Acres Farm, TX). We try to build them different and 933G is definitely different! Her Sire has produced the last 2 Junior National Grand Champions females and he is proving to drastically improve udder quality as well! Add the fact she sells bred to our new calving ease stud, KLD RIP, only strengthens her case to become a difference maker! Here is a NO MISS BIG TIME DONOR! KLD Foxy Roxy, you might want to remember that name!
PE to KLD RIP from 6/5/20-8/5/20 Vet estimates calving date of Mid April. 44 inches tall. Seller retains the rights to 2 future IVF flushes at our cost and buyers convenience.
1. 933G
2. Cally (Dam)
3. KLD RIP (Service Sire)

KLD Cally Sue 911G ET
$3,750KLD Cally Sue 911G ET
AHA P44092713
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 1/27/2019
Sire: DF Majestic King
Dam: KLD Cally 333A
We tried a little something different a few years ago, and flushed Cally to DF Majestic King, a bull raised by Duvalls in Oregon, and are very pleased with these two heifers(lots 7 and 8). Both are polled and have the extra bone and body we were hoping for. Cally Sue is sure to make a front pasture cow no matter where she ends up, she sells safe to the most exciting young sire the breed has seen in years.
PE to KLD 50K from 5/5/20-9/5/20 Vet estimates calving date of early June. 44 inches tall
1. 911G
2. Cally (Dam)
3. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

KLD Cally Marie 915G ET
$3,750KLD Cally Marie 915G ET
AHA P44092718
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 1/23/2019
Sire: DF Majestic King
Dam: KLD Cally 333A
We tried a little something different a few years ago, and flushed Cally to DF Majestic King, a bull raised by Duvalls in Oregon, and are very pleased with these two heifers(lots 7 and 8). Both are polled and have the extra bone and body we were hoping for. Cally Jane is the more moderate framed of the two but has that tremendous rib shape and capacity it takes to produce the next generation of high end seedstock. Anytime you can add ET heifers of this quality don't pass them up! Sells bred to our "outcross" calving ease sire "RIP', we purchased Rip as an embryo from our good friends the Fleener family, his dam is the Louisville Champion Female, Little Momma!
PE to KLD RIP from 5/5/20- 8/5/20 Vet estimates calving in early May. 43 inches tall
1. 915G
2. Cally (Dam)
3. KLD RIP (Service Sire)

KLD Shezabomb 913G
$4,250KLD Shezabomb 913G
AHA 44092125
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 1/21/2019
Sire: SS Sir Gene
Dam: KLD Cally 333A
Flushmate to Lot 6, Shezabomb 913G offers the same skeletal extension and structure that the breed is in such demand for! Only difference is this heifer is a couple months older and sells bred to 50K. Young bred heifers of this quality bred to the nations top bulls don't often come up for sale, opportunity is knocking!
913G sells safe to KLD 50K. PE to KLD 50K from 5/5/20-8/5/20. Vet estimates a late Aril due date. 45 inches tall
1. 913G
2. Cally (Dam)
3. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

KLD Strawberry Wine 918G
$4,250KLD Strawberry Wine 918G
AHA 44015562
Miniature Hereford Bred Heifer
Birth Date: 2/4/2019
Sire: 6E STLZ Mickey Mouse
Dam: KLD Kit
KLD Srawberry Wine is a full sib to KLD Kit Kat, the Grand Champion female at the Indiana State Fair for the Humphreys family! Her young dam, Kit is a two time national champion that has produced sisters to Strawberry Wine that have won Houston(KLD Bad Bunny) and Denver(KLD Electra) and Junior Nationals(KLD Elsa). The purple is bred in when you stack the Denver Champion Mickey Mouse on the top side! A great way to add a championship pedigree in a massive boned, big bodied front pasture kind of cow!
PE to KLD RIP from 5/5/20-8/5/20. Vet estimates a calving date in Early May. 42 inches tall
1. 918G
2. Kit (Dam)
3. KLD RIP (Service Sire)

2M Lil Sugar
$2,5002M Lil Sugar
AHA 44022990
Miniature Hereford Bred Cow
Birth Date: 7/7/2018
Sire: KD Whisper
Dam: Emily
Two nice half sisters here sired by Whisper! Both lots 11 and 12 have tremendous femininity and style to produce top of line show heifers and show steers! Young and ready to produce for years! Both sell bred to the Great KLD 50K!
PE 6 to KLD 50K from /5/20-10/5/20 Vet estimates a June calving date. 43 inches tall
1. 4F
2. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

2M Dolly
$3,2502M Dolly
AHA 44004248
Miniature Hereford Bred Cow
Birth Date: 4/12/2018
Sire: KD Whisper
Dam: Reba
Two nice half sisters here sired by Whisper! Both lots 11 and 12 have tremendous femininity and style to produce top of line show heifers and show steers! Young and ready to produce for years! Both sell bred to the Great KLD 50K!
PE 6 to KLD 50K from /5/20-10/5/20 Vet estimates a June calving date. 44.5 inches tall
1. 1F
2. KLD 50K (Service Sire)

LK's Jewel
$3,500LK's Jewel
AHA 43174566
Miniature Hereford Bred Cow
Birth Date: 9/19/2010
Sire: LS Pot O' Gold
Dam: KAP Teddys Megan
Here is a cow that continues to produce at a High Level, her calf this year KLD Sofie Gene, sired by Mean Gene, was recently named Grand Champion Mini Hereford in both Rings A and B at the Southern Classic(TX) for Jentry Williamson. She has plenty of gas in the tank and just to kick off her time with her new owner she sells bred to the most dominating show bull in recent history, BR Tyrion. The highest priced calves to sell this year have been the Tyrion's and are already being taken serious in the show ring, getting it done at the Junior Show in KC.
AI to BR Tyrion on 4/24/20 (due early April) PE to 50K from5/5/20-8/5/20 Vet called safe to AI, but ran with 50K just in case! Either way its a win!
1. Jewel
2. BR Tyrion (Service Sire)

BR Tyrion
$150BR Tyrion
AHA P43893709
3 Units of Semen
Mini Hereford
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
The undisputed "King of the Ring", his first calf crop is setting record prices and finding their way to the backdrop as calves! Polled Powerful and structurally correct! If you aren't using him your making it easier on the ones who are! 48 inches tall
1. BR Tyrion

BR Tyrion
$150BR Tyrion
AHA P43893709
3 Units of Semen
Mini Hereford
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
The undisputed "King of the Ring", his first calf crop is setting record prices and finding their way to the backdrop as calves! Polled Powerful and structurally correct! If you aren't using him your making it easier on the ones who are! 48 inches tall
1. BR Tyrion

BR Tyrion
$150BR Tyrion
AHA P43893709
3 Units of Semen
Mini Hereford
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
The undisputed "King of the Ring", his first calf crop is setting record prices and finding their way to the backdrop as calves! Polled Powerful and structurally correct! If you aren't using him your making it easier on the ones who are! 48 inches tall
1. BR Tyrion

BR Tyrion
$150BR Tyrion
AHA P43893709
3 Units of Semen
Mini Hereford
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
The undisputed "King of the Ring", his first calf crop is setting record prices and finding their way to the backdrop as calves! Polled Powerful and structurally correct! If you aren't using him your making it easier on the ones who are! 48 inches tall
1. BR Tyrion

BR Tyrion
$150BR Tyrion
AHA P43893709
3 Units of Semen
Mini Hereford
Purchase Price is your bid x 3
The undisputed "King of the Ring", his first calf crop is setting record prices and finding their way to the backdrop as calves! Polled Powerful and structurally correct! If you aren't using him your making it easier on the ones who are! 48 inches tall
1. BR Tyrion